State offices not open, 230.35 (4)
Wisconsin family month, 895.22
home detention HOME DETENTION
Authorized, 973.03 (4)
home health HOME HEALTH
Agencies; licenses and regulation, 50.49
Delinquent taxpayers, denial and revocation of licenses, 50.498
Aides, instructional programs, client abuse, 146.40
home inspectors HOME INSPECTORS
Definitions, 440.97
Examinations, 440.973
Liability of inspectors, 440.977
Disclaimers or limitations of liability, 440.976
Applicability, 440.9715
Registration required, 440.9712
Registration requirements, 440.972
Registry, 440.971
Regulation and licensing dept., annual report, 440.979
Rules, 440.974
Standards of practice, 440.975
Prohibited acts, discipline, 440.978
home rule HOME RULE
City, powers, 62.04, 62.11 (5)
Counties, 59.03
Exercise of by municipalities, 66.0101
Municipal, XI, 3
Village, powers, 61.34 (1), (5)
homeless persons HOMELESS PERSONS
See Housing
homestead HOMESTEAD
Assignment as part of share of surviving spouse, 852.09, 861.21
Conveyance, spouse's signature, 706.02 (1) (f)
Defined, 990.01 (14)
From execution, 815.20
Set apart after levy, 815.21
Marital property, classification of, 766.605
Mortgage foreclosure sale, 846.11
Public assistance, qualifications; parental aid not denied to owner, 49.19 (4)
Urban homestead programs, 66.1013
homicide HOMICIDE
Beneficiary who kills decedent, 854.14, 895.43, 895.435
Coercion as defense, 939.46
Declaration to physicians, falsifying to cause death, 154.15 (2)
Defenses, see Criminal Procedure
Denatured alcohol causing death, 125.68 (12)
Felony murder, 940.03
First-degree intentional, 940.01
First-degree reckless, 940.02
Intoxicated user of vehicle or firearm, 940.09
Joint tenant killing other tenant, tenancy severed, 700.17 (2)
Jury, peremptory challenges, 972.03
Negligent control of vicious animal, 940.07
Negligent operation of vehicle, 940.10
Negligent use of weapon, explosives or fire, 940.08
Probation, 973.09
Second-degree intentional, 940.05
Second-degree reckless, 940.06
Statute of limitations, none, 939.74
Trials, privileged communications exception, 905.04 (4) (d)
honesty testing devices HONESTY TESTING DEVICES
Administration of law by department, 111.375
Consent, disclosure, 942.06
Declaration of employment policy, 111.31 (4)
Local ordinance, collective bargaining agreements, 111.371
Powers and duties of department, 111.39
Privilege, 905.065
Use in employment situations, 111.37
horses HORSES
horticulture HORTICULTURE
hospices HOSPICES
Abuse or neglect of patients, 940.295
Admission to and care in for incapacitated persons, 50.94
Aides, instructional programs, client abuse, 146.40
Forfeitures, 50.98
Injunctions, 50.97
Licensing procedure, 50.93
Criminal and child abuse history record search, 50.065
Licensing requirements, 50.92
Name use and advertising, 50.925
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records
Rural medical centers, see Rural Health Care
Whistleblower protection, 146.997